
Although there are dozens of benign diseases of the large intestine, the most common ones are ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease, microbial colitis such as dysentery, colon polyps, diverticulosis coli, diverticulitis, irritable (spastic) colon. All these conditions are followed up with medication.
Polyps are one of the most important diseases of the large intestine. They are sessile or broad-based and can be of different sizes. Polyps in the large intestine are precursors of cancer, meaning that cancers develop from them and therefore need to be removed.

The most important disease of the large intestine is cancer.
Patients presenting with constipation, weight loss, abdominal pain and bleeding from the rectum should be investigated for cancer. Patients should be examined for this purpose and the stage of the disease should be determined by performing procedures such as colonoscopy, biopsy, whole abdomen tomography and PET-CT.
Patients diagnosed with cancer are treated with surgery, while preoperative chemotherapy (neoadjuvant Td) may be required for cancers located in the rectum.
Patients diagnosed with cancer should preferably be operated with closed (laparoscopic) surgery method after surgical preparation. In laparoscopic treatments, hospitalization time is shorter and there is less pain and scarring.
Patients without any problems are discharged after hospitalization for 5-7 days after surgery.
After the scars heal, patients are treated and followed up in the oncology clinic.
Chemo-radiotherapy may not be necessary for tumors caught at an early stage.


What is the Circadian Rhythm?

Biological rhythms are defined as the biochemical, physiological and behavioral responses of living things to physical effects in the outside world. One of these biological rhythms is called the circadian rhythm.

The circadian rhythm is a biological cycle that takes about 24 hours and includes changes in sleep and wakefulness. In general, a healthy adult person completes 24 hours with 16 hours of wakefulness and 8 hours of sleep. In addition, the circadian rhythm is responsible for the performance of the heart, growth hormone, neurotransmitter secretion, and secretion of various hormones such as cortisol.

Disruption of circadian rhythm, which affects many hormones and therefore the system, can trigger diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and hypertension.

Circadian Rhythm and Nutrition:

Circadian rhythm and nutrition affect each other. Especially for individuals working in shifts, both sleep and feeding times can disrupt the circadian rhythm. Disruption of the rhythm leads to changes in the appetite mechanism together with the decrease in the amount of sleep. As a result, an increase in body fat mass can be observed in these individuals with the wrong energy taken at the wrong time. According to a study, how poor quality and insufficient sleep affects nutrition is summarized as follows:

  • • Increased consumption of food and snacks
  • • Less consumption of vegetables and fruits
  • • Irregular meal times
  • • Skipping breakfast

Suggestions for Maintaining the Circadian Rhythm:

  • • It is necessary to have a sufficient and balanced diet, to arrange the meal times and contents.
  • • Light emitted from electronic items affects the circadian rhythm. Therefore, make sure that there are no electronic items in the room.
  • • Stress should be avoided in daily life.
  • • Foods with high energy content such as chocolate should not be consumed in the evening.
  • • Individuals experiencing jet-lag should be fed according to the hours of the region they are in and should pay attention to the consumption of plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. In addition, beverages containing caffeine and alcohol should be avoided during the trip.
  • • Digestive system problems can be seen in shift workers. For this reason, it is recommended to consume fibrous food, fresh fruit and vegetables, whole wheat instead of white bread, bulgur instead of rice.

Factors Affecting Circadian Rhythm:

Light: The light emitted from electronic equipment disrupts the circadian rhythm.

Melatonin: The release of melatonin, known as the sleep hormone, begins at 21:00-22:00 and reaches its peak at 02:00-03:00 at night, and it is necessary to be asleep during this time.

Temperature: As the organism is adversely affected by high temperature, the circadian rhythm is disrupted.

Jetlag: Time difference affects metabolism negatively.

Shift working hours: The person is awake when he should be asleep, and this leads to disruption of the rhythm.



  • 2 dates
  • 100 g light labneh cheese
  • Half a cup of light milk
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa

Recipe: We remove the seeds from the dates and leave them in water to soften. After the dates soften, we mix all the ingredients and pass them through the rondo. Then we keep the mixture in the deep freezer for 3-4 hours. You can serve it completely frozen.


Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the cervix . Cancer precursors (CIN) occur when the cells that make up the surface of the cervix develop into abnormal cells. If they are not detected and treated early, they can develop into cancer.elzemdir. 

The most common cause of these cell changes in the cervix is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infections. Sexually transmitted HPV can cause cervical cancer. HPV vaccination is therefore essential.

Cervical cancer, the most common type of cancer in women, may not cause symptoms in the early stages. However, vaginal bleeding and discharge, pain and bleeding during sexual intercourse, and a feeling of fullness and mass in the vagina can be observed. Therefore, routine screening programs for early diagnosis are of great importance in the fight against this disease.

Prevention of cervical cancer:

  • Women aged 21-65 should not neglect routine screening tests such as smears and HPV.
  • Avoid smoking and tobacco products.
  • Maintain an ideal weight.
  • Take precautions against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The immune system should be strengthened.



Obesity is not just about unhealthy diet. There may be many reasons behind this problem. Underlying causes should be determined while making the diagnosis. Conditions that cause obesity can be listed as follows;

  • Sedentary lifestyle,
  • wrong eating habits,
  • some hereditary causes,
  • work life,
  • psychological problems and stress,
  • insulin resistance,
  • polycystic ovary,
  • sleep apnea,
  • thyroid gland problems,
  • pancreatic problems,
  • hormone disorders,
  • pituitary diseases

are among the causes of obesity.



  • 3 Eggs
  • 100 gr Labneh Cheese (Strained yoghurt or milk curd can be used.)
  • 1 Teaspoon of Baking Powder (Can be used in baking soda.)
  • 1 pinch of Salt

Recipe: Separate the yolk and white of the eggs. Beat the egg whites and salt with a mixer until they have a dense consistency. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, cheese and baking powder well. Add half of this mixture to the egg white and salt mixture. The most important point of this bread is that you mix the two mixtures slowly with a spatula from bottom to top without deflating. Pour the remaining mixture and mix it slowly until it is completely homogeneous. Line a rectangular baking tray with parchment paper. Arrange the mixture in circles in 6 equal parts. You can also bake it in muffin tins if you wish. Bake in the oven, which you have preheated to 150 degrees, until the top is golden brown. You can consume it after resting for 4-5 hours.


Muscle loss: The body uses muscle tissue as an energy source instead of adipose tissue, and you lose muscle.

Hair loss: Foods that are sources of protein are rich in omega oils and vitamins. In insufficient protein; hair loss, nail breakage and even minor bumps can cause damage.

Fatigue: Fatigue is seen due to decreased muscle tissue and slowing metabolic rate.

Feeling of late fullness: When the proteins that are emptied from the stomach late compared to other food groups are taken insufficiently, it causes a feeling of hunger immediately after eating as if you have not been fed at all.

Edema: Since water and muscle loss will occur, the body tends to water retention and accumulates edema.


Disturbance in weight balance: When insufficient protein is taken, muscle and water loss will occur instead of adipose tissue; Even when you drink water, the body wants to store it, and this can be reflected on the scale as weight gain.

Hormone and enzyme system disorders: When the proteins, which are our basic building blocks, are taken insufficiently, enzymatic events are slowed down or disrupted. Our digestive, absorption, excretory and nervous systems do not perform adequately. Easy mood swings, constipation or diarrhea, bowel sounds are examples.



  • 2 Ripe Bananas
  • 40 gr Protein Powder (You can choose banana or chocolate.)
  • 8 Tablespoons of Oatmeal

Recipe : Put banana, oat, protein powder in a rondo in order. Mix all the ingredients with a rondo until they are combined. Then, place greaseproof paper on your baking tray and give your cookies the shape you want, provided they are thin. You can make a little more hole in the middle for better cooking. If you have difficulty in shaping, you can make the labne or milk and the material hold each other. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and bake the cookies you prepared for 7-8 minutes.


The most important difference of the swallowable gastric balloon is that it can be inserted without endoscopy and anesthesia. The balloon is in the shape of a pill attached to a thin tube. The position of the swallowed balloon with the help of water is controlled by the doctor with the help of X-rays. After making sure that it is well placed, the balloon is filled with a special liquid with the help of a catheter, and the catheter is slowly withdrawn. The entire procedure takes 15 minutes. The balloon remains in the stomach for 4 to 6 months and then is eliminated from the body by itself. Thanks to the swallowable gastric balloon, there is less feeling of fullness because less food is eaten, and so weight is lost.


For whom can the swallowable gastric balloon be used?

  • Body mass index over 27
  • between the ages of 18 and 65
  • who have been on a diet before but were not successful are not pregnant
  • No excessive alcohol consumption

What should be the diet after the application of a swallowable gastric balloon?

After the administration of the swallowable gastric balloon, only liquid should be consumed for 3 days. After that, a slow transition to semi-solid food should be made. After an average of 2 weeks, a complete transition to solid food is possible.

  • The food portions should be reduced.
  • Food should be consumed in the form of small bites.
  • Liquid intake should be done between meals.
  • Fatty foods should not be consumed.






Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism disorders that occur as a result of insufficiency or deficiency of insulin hormone secreted from the pancreas. It is chronic and progressive. It is a disease that requires lifelong medical treatment and medical nutrition therapy for the individual. Treatment is as important as diagnosis.


  • Type 1 DM: It arises with insulin deficiency as a result of damage to pancreatic cells and is an insulin-dependent progressive type.
  • Type 2 DM: It is a non-insulin dependent type characterized by insulin resistance.
  • Gestational Diabetes: It is the type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. Diagnosis can be made at 24 to 28 weeks.
  • Other Specific Types: Includes certain genetic syndromes, exocrine pancreatic diseases, endocrinopathies, drug- or chemical-associated diabetes.


  • GLYCOSURIA (excretion of glucose in the urine as a result of hyperglycemia)
  • POLYURIA (increased water output with urine)
  • POLYDIPSY (constant desire to drink water as a result of water loss)
  • POLYPHAGIA (increased feeling of hunger)
  • Frequent Infection


When the necessary treatment principles are not applied in diabetic patients, blood sugar remains high and may cause complications. For this reason, individuals with diabetes should not neglect their controls.

Diabetic ketoacidosis: Due to insulin deficiency, carbohydrates cannot be used enough and the body starts to provide energy from fats. As a result, ketones appear in the blood and urine. Infection, insufficient insulin therapy, excessive carbohydrate intake, eating disorders are among the causes of diabetic ketoacidosis.

Diabetic Nonketotic Hyperosmolar Coma: Diabetes is characterized by hyperglycemia (plasma glucose>500 mg/dL), dehydration without ketoacidosis.

Hypoglycemia: It is characterized by plasma glucose being 50 mg/dL and below. Tremors, palpitations, weakness, sleepiness, and speech difficulties are among the symptoms. Hypoglycemia may be caused by skipping meals, failure to administer medical treatment or dose errors, and heavy exercise.

Nephropathy, Retinopathy, Neuropathy, Gastroparesis, Constipation, Atherosclerosis, Diabetic foot


Diabetes diagnosis criteria for the American Diagnostic Society (ADA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are as follows:

– Fasting blood glucose level ≥126 mg/dL, or

– 2nd hour blood glucose level ≥200 mg/dL in the oral blood glucose tolerance test (OGTT), or

– Random blood glucose level ≥200 mg/dL and the presence of classic symptoms of diabetes (polyuria, polydipsia, nocturia, enuresis, weight loss, polyphagia), or

-HbA1c> 6.5%


Insulin therapy, nutrition and exercise are a combination for diabetes treatment. Treatment should aim to reduce chronic complications by providing optimal glycemic control. Studies show that correct and adequate administration of insulin therapy reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications.

To reduce the risk of complications arising from diabetes, smoking should be avoided and blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be kept within appropriate ranges.

Nutrition programs of diabetic patients should be specially planned by the dietitian. The person’s height, weight, blood parameters, drugs used are important data for the program prepared.


  • Complex carbohydrates, which take longer to digest, should be preferred instead of simple carbohydrates.
  • Nutrition program should be sustainable for life and should be made into a lifestyle.
  • It should be known that the consumption of legumes, vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread is important.
  • Saturated fat consumption should be avoided and healthy fats such as olive oil and butter should be consumed.
  • Pastry, fried food, packaged foods should not be preferred.
  • Water consumption should not be neglected during the day, care should be taken to consume an average of 2-2.5 liters of water per day.
  • Exercise is as important as nutrition and medication.
  • Nutrition program should include the number of meals as the patient needs, and if there is no opposite, it should be aimed at maintaining the ideal weight.
  • Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, so foods high in fiber are important to keep sugar levels under control.
  • Avoid foods with high glycemic index.
  • Consumed foods should be grilled, baked or boiled.
  • Omg-3 intake is important, so fish consumption is recommended 2 days a week.
  • Fat, sugar and salt should be consumed as little as possible.
  • Insomnia and stress make it difficult to comply with the diet and can lead to weight gain.

In short words

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